The International Journal of Press/Politics Hazel Gaudet-Erskine Best Book Award 2025
Deadline: Fri, 04 Apr 2025
The International Journal of Press

Nominations are invited for the annual International Journal of Press/Politics Hazel Gaudet-Erskine Best Book Award, to be received no later than 4 April 2025.
The International Journal of Press/Politics Hazel Gaudet-Erskine Best Book Award honors internationally oriented books that advance our theoretical and empirical understanding of the linkages between news media and politics in a globalized world in a significant way. It is given annually by the International Journal of Press/Politics and sponsored by SAGE Publications.
The award committee will judge each nominated book based on the following criteria:
- the extent to which the book contributes to internationally relevant knowledge;
- the significance of the problems addressed;
- conceptual and theoretical innovation;
- strength of evidence;
- clarity of writing;
- ability to link journalism studies, political communication research, and other relevant fields of intellectual and scholarly inquiry.
Books written in English and published within the last ten years will be considered. Monographs as well as edited volumes of exceptional quality and coherence will be considered for the award. Books by current members of the award committee are ineligible and committee members will recuse themselves from discussion of books that may entail conflicts of interest, such as books authored by members of their own department or published in a series they edit. Books nominated for previous editions of the award may be nominated again as long as they meet the eligibility criteria.
Award Committee
The award committee consists of Taberez A. Neyazi (Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Press/Politics), Kate Kenski (chair of the Political Communication Division of ICA), and Edson C. Tandoc Jr. (chair of the Journalism Studies Division of ICA).
Nominations should be emailed to Taberez A. Neyazi ( by 4 April 2025. Self-nominations are accepted. Nominations should be accompanied by a rationale of 300-500 words, authored by a researcher, that clearly specifies why the book meets the criteria listed above. Please include links to or copies of relevant reviews in scholarly journals if applicable.
Arrangements should be made with the publishers of nominated books to send one hard copy to Taberez A. Neyazi and Edson C. Tandoc Jr., and either one hard copy or an e-book (i.e., the full book in PDF format) to Kate Kenski. All copies should be sent to the respective committee members at the following addresses by 4 April:
- Taberez A. Neyazi, Department of Communications and New Media, National University of Singapore, 11 Computing Drive, AS6, 03-11, Singapore 117416. Email:
- Kate Kenski, Department of Communication and School of Government and Public Policy, University of Arizona, 1103 E. University Blvd., Communication Building #25, Room 211, Tucson, AZ 85721-0025. Email:
- Edson C. Tandoc Jr., Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, 02-39, 31 Nanyang Link, Singapore 637718. Email:
The award will be presented at the 2025 Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association and will be announced on the IJPP website.