Assistant Professorships
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU)
Deadline: Fri, 21 Mar 2025

The Chair of Empirical Political Research and Policy Analysis (Prof. Dr. Paul W. Thurner) at LMU Munich's Geschwister-Scholl-Institute of Political Science is advertising, with possible start dates of 1 October 2025 and 1 April 2026 two (2) positions of Assistant Professorships (m/f/x) in Munich.
Your tasks and responsibilities:
- The independent implementation of a postdoctoral research project in a thematic area relevant to research conducted at the chair (conflict studies, electoral research, survey research etc.);
- Publication of research results and application for third-party funding (individually and in teams);
- Teaching 5 SWS (approx. 2 - 3 courses) per semester in the area of quantitative methods.
Your qualifications:
- An excellent dissertation related to quantitative political science methods (Methods & IR or Comparative Politics), completed or close to completion;
- Skills to teach multivariate methods in R, special methods skills in one or more specific areas (e.g. NLP, Machine Learning, Causal Designs etc.);
- Research interests related to research interests of the chair (conflict studies, electoral research, survey research etc.);
- Publication in peer-reviewed journals or strong indications of the potential to place publications competitively;
- Fluency in English. Good German skills are desirable;
- Excellent organizational skills and the ability to work independently and in teams
Please submit the following (in English):
- Cover letter;
- CV;
- Diplomas;
- Contact data for two referees (referees will be contacted only at the interview stage);
- One writing sample of an article or a chapter representative of your research agenda (preferably single-authored).
The submission deadline is 21 March 2025. Please submit your application per email (in one PDF, max. 10MB) to:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit盲t Munich
Ms. Hopp,