Canadian Journal of Political Science
Publication date: Dec 2021
Canadian Political Science Association
Academic Absences, Disciplinary Siloes and Methodological Prejudices within the Political Science Discipline in Canada
Joanna Everitt
Parliamentary Debates in Canada (1901–2015)
Florence Vallée-Dubois, Jean-François Godbout, Christopher Cochrane
Academic Absences, Disciplinary Siloes and Methodological Prejudices within the Political Science Discipline in Canada
Joanna Everitt
Parliamentary Debates in Canada (1901–2015)
Florence Vallée-Dubois, Jean-François Godbout, Christopher Cochrane
From Retrenchment to Selective Social Policy Expansion: The Politics of Federal Cash Benefits in Canada
Daniel Béland, Michael J. Prince, R. Kent Weaver
Birds of a Feather? Loyalty and Partisanship in the Reformed Canadian Senate
Jason Robert VandenBeukel, Christopher Cochrane, Jean-François Godbout
Les (re)constructions plurielles de la citoyenneté des femmes âgées à travers les pratiques de la vie quotidienne
Isabelle Marchand, Stéphanie Gaudet
The Puzzling Persistence of Racial Inequality in Canada
Keith Banting, Debra Thompson
Behind the SNC-Lavalin Scandal: The Transnational Diffusion of Corporate Diversion
Elizabeth Acorn
Demand without Supply: Populist Attitudes without Salient Supply-Side Factors of Populism
Mike Medeiros
#Propage l'info, pas le virus : communication politique et réponses des influenceur.euses à l'appel du gouvernement Legault lors de la crise de la COVID-19 au Québec
Frédérique Côté, Mireille Lalancette
Select Policy Ideology and Local Ideological Representation in Canada
Policy Ideology and Local Ideological Representation in Canada
Jack Lucas, David A. Armstrong II
Canadian Federalism and the Political Economy of Energy and the Environment
James Meadowcroft