International Political Science Review

International Political Science Review


Publication date: Nov 2021


Symposium: Populism and feminist politics
Introduction: Populism and feminist politics
Johanna Kantola and Emanuela Lombardo

Strategies of right populists in opposing gender equality in a polarized European Parliament
Johanna Kantola and Emanuela Lombardo

Right-wing populism and feminist politics: The case of Law and Justice in Poland
Anna Gwiazda

Tensions between populist and feminist politics: The case of the Spanish left populist party Podemos
Paloma Caravantes

Reputation versus office: Why populist radical right governmental participation has differed between Sweden and Denmark
Duncan McDonnell, Annika Werner and Malin Karlsson

Coalition-making under conditions of ideological mismatch: The populist solution
Paris Aslanidis

Depleting democracy? The radical right鈥檚 impact on minority politics in Eastern Europe
Michael Minkenberg, Anca Florian, Zsuzsanna V茅gh and Malisa Zobel

Rights-oriented or responsibility-oriented? Two subtypes of populism in contemporary China
Tianru Guan and Yilu Yang

Off balance: Systematizing deformations of liberal democracy 
Pascal D K枚nig and Markus B Siewert

Institutional foundations of global well-being: Democracy, state capacity and social protection
Axel Cronert and Axel Hadenius