World Values Research

World Values Research


World Values Survey

We are delighted to announce the latest addition to the , the official online publication of the World Values Survey Association. Authored by Sara Parhizkari of Georg-August University, G枚ttingen, the paper, titled 鈥Gender Egalitarianism and Religiosity in Egypt, Iran, and Turkey: A 20-Year Overview,鈥 offers a comprehensive analysis of the interplay between gender attitudes and religiosity across these three countries over two decades.

Gender Egalitarianism and Religiosity in Egypt, Iran and Turkey: A 20-Year Overview

There is a perception that Islam requires gender inequality, thus limiting the rights of women in the Muslim majority countries of the Middle East. But religions are multifaceted concepts and there has been little consideration of how aspects of personal religiosity relate to gender egalitarian values. Religion is not the only factor that influences the role of Muslim women, with political and socioeconomic factors also being important, and whether or not there are legal restrictions, the personal religiosity of individuals can have an impact on women's lives. Data from the World Values Survey is used to investigate of how different questions related to the personal religiosity of Muslim majority populations relate to their gender egalitarian values, by gender and age group.

Three Muslim countries are considered, Egypt, Iran and Turkey, as well as their changing survey responses over the first 20 years of the twenty-first century, offering insight into whether Muslim populations are rethinking the way their religion influences gender equality. The results show that socioeconomic factors, not personal religiosity, have the greatest influence on gender egalitarian values, and that the young may be redefining their view of how religion relates to gender equality as populations become more egalitarian and less religious ().

World Values Research (WVR) is registered as ISSN 2000-2777. The series is edited by the Executive Committee of the Association. WVR publishes research papers of high scientific standards based on evidence from World Values Surveys data. Papers in WVR follow good academic practice and abide by ethical norms in line with the mission of the World Values Survey Association. Publication of submitted papers is pending an internal review by the Executive Committee of the World Values Survey Association.

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