International Political Science Review (IPSR) | Call for Proposals for a Special Issue in 2019

International Political Science Review (IPSR) | Call for Proposals for a Special Issue in 2019

Publication date: Fri, 24 Mar 2017

IPSR is inviting proposals for a special issue in 2019. Prospective guest editors of a special issue should submit proposals to by no later than September 30, 2017.

Special issues should be devoted to a theme of general interest to the discipline, relevant across different regions and subfields. Applicants are advised to avoid themes that relate too closely to topics covered in recent special issues (please see below for a list of these topics).

Special issues should consist of a substantial introduction (of c. 6,000 words), plus six to eight articles (maximum 8,000 words) that meet IPSR submission criteria. 

All proposals should include the following:

  1. Outline of theme
  2. Rationale in relation to theoretical significance, timeliness and general interest to the discipline.
  3. Abstracts (250 words) of the proposed articles (six to eight articles and editorial introduction).
  4. Brief (one paragraph) biographies for authors and editors.

Prospective guest editors will be informed whether their proposal has been accepted by November 2017.

Guest editors will be responsible for ensuring the articles are submitted online by an agreed deadline (most probably June 30, 2018), in accordance with regular IPSR submission guidelines.

The IPSR editors will be responsible for arranging double-blind peer reviews of the articles.

Queries relating to special issues should be directed to the IPSR editors at


Recent IPSR special issues


Mona Lena Krook and Pär Zetterberg, Electoral quotas and political representation IPSR  Vol. 35 (1), 2014

Ekaterina R Rashkova and Ingrid van Biezen, The legal regulation of political parties IPSR Vol 35 (3), 2014


Nathalie Brack and Nicholas Startin, Euroscepticism from the margins to the mainstream IPSR Vol. 36 (3), 2015


Nicole George and Laura J Shepherd,  Exploring the implementation of UNSCR 1325  Vol. 37 (3) 2016

Marianne Kneuer, Brigitte Geissel and Hans-Joachim Lauth,  Measuring the quality of democracy, IPSR Vol. 37 (5), 2016


Adrian Little and Sarah Maddison, Conflict Reconciliation

IPSR Vol. 38 (2), 2017


Others in process

Vedi Hadiz and Angelos Chryssogelos, Populism in world politics

Olli Hellmann and Aurel Croissant, State capacity, elections and the resilience of authoritarian rule

Bjoern Dressel, Raul Sanchez-Urribarri, Alexander Stroh, Informal networks and judicial institutions

Maria Koinova  and Gerasimos Tsourapas, State and non-state actors in diaspora and emigration politics