Political Studies Review
Publication date: Aug 2020
Slipping Off or Turning the Tide? Gender Equality in European Union’s External Relations in Times of Crisis
Hanna L Muehlenhoff, Anna van der Vleuten and Natalie Welfens
Gender Equality in European Union Development Policy in Times of Crisis
Gill Allwood
Constructing European Union Identity through LGBT Equality Promotion: Crises and Shifting Othering Processes in the European Union Enlargement
Koen Slootmaeckers
The European Union as a Masculine Military Power: European Union Security and Defence Policy in ‘Times of Crisis’
Marijn Hoijtink and Hanna L Muehlenhoff
Protecting Refugees Inside, Protecting Borders Abroad? Gender in the EU’s Responses to the ‘Refugee Crisis’
Natalie Welfens
Imagining the European Union: Gender and Digital Diplomacy in European External Relations
Katharine AM Wright and Roberta Guerrina
Understanding the European Union as a Global Gender Actor: The Holistic Intersectional and Inclusive Study of Gender+ in External Actions
Petra Debusscher and Ian Manners
Depoliticising Gender Equality in Turbulent Times: The Case of the European Gender Action Plan for External Relations
Friederike Beier and Gülay Çağlar
The Fragmented Inclusion of Gender Equality in AU-EU Relations in Times of Crises
Anna van der Vleuten and Anouka van Eerdewijk