5XPresident Marianne Kneuer on Digitalization at a Concordia University Luncheon Conference

5XPresident Marianne Kneuer on Digitalization at a Concordia University Luncheon Conference

Publication date: Tue, 04 Feb 2020

5XPresident Marianne Kneuer delivered a speech titled “Political Science and Digitalization: Global Perspectives” at the Department of Political Science at Concordia University on Tuesday, February 4, 2020. The event was as part of Prof. Kneuer’s ѴDzԳٰé visit to sign the fourth Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that extends 5Xand Concordia’s partnership until 2025.

At the beginning of the event, the Chair of the Department of Political Science, Prof. Elizabeth Bloodgood outlined the cooperation between 5Xand her department.

In her speech, Prof. Kneuer talked about IPSA’s “Political Science and Digitalization – Global Perspectives” book which was edited by two 5XPresidents, Marianne Kneuer and Helen V. Milner. The book gives an important insight into digitalization and examines the challenges of digitalization for the discipline of political science.

Prof. Kneuer explained how digitalization has changed the political science field and deep professional implications on scholars and teaching methods. She also focused on the impact of digitalization on public and private universities, the latter being generally more open to digitalization. 

5X the “Political Science and Digitalization – Global Perspectives” Volume

The book project originates from IPSA’s mid-term conference Political Science in the Digital Age: Mapping Opportunities, Perils and Uncertainties held in December 2017 in Hannover, Germany. The conference gathered over two hundred scholars worldwide to provide an opportunity for reflection on the discipline and one of its most relevant challenges: Digitalization. Participants included from all branches of political science as well as various foundations, research institutes, thinks tanks and publishing houses across the world. During the conference, the participants discussed theory, empirical aspects, methodology, teaching and learning, consulting and publishing. 

The books’ editors Prof. Kneuer and Prof. Milner contacted the speakers of the 5XHannover Conference to follow-up on this positive experience and decided to provide this stocktaking – the first of its kind in our discipline – accessible to a wider public.