Malawi Political Science Association


The Malawi Political Science Association is a registered entity with a diverse membership of academics and professionals in the fields of Political Science, Political Philosophy, Political and Economic Governance, Public Administration, International Relations, Public Law, Public Policy Analysis, Human Rights and related disciplines relevant to the study, analysis and understanding of politics. The purpose of the PSA is to contribute to political and socio-economic development of Malawi through promoting the study and analysis of politics, governance practices and public policy through research, advocacy and policy dialogue.

Our Objectives are:
1. To promote greater utilization of political scientists as experts in the field of governance.
2. To encourage interchange among all institutions and individuals who analyse, study, teach, and contribute actively to the civic and political life in Malawi.
3. To enhance knowledge and understanding of local and international political affairs through teaching, workshops, discussion, conferences, and publications or such other means.
4. To safeguard the rights, and opportunities of its members in all matters affecting the profession.
5. To encourage open debate and policy dialogue on political and public issues.
6. To establish and foster closer relationship between political scientists and government officials, academic institutions, Civil Society, and the Media.
7. To promote activities of associations of Political Science students in education institutions in Malawi.

Contact Person: Dr Henry Chingaipe, (Current President, 2024-2026)