28th World Congress of Political Science Features
Message from the President
Message from the Executive Director
Letter from the Chairs of the Local Organizing Committee
Local Members & Organization Committee
Letter from the Program Chairs
Congress Theme: Resisting Autocratization in Polarized Societies
Program Structure
General Tracks
Plenary Speaker - Ban Ki-Moon
Reflection on the Congress Theme: Resilience of Authoritarianism in North Africa and Governance of Opponents' Lives (Abdelhamid Benkhattab)
Plenary Speaker - Donatella della Porta
Reflection on the Congress Theme: Can Judicial Branches Resist Autocratization? Can Courts Be Saved From It? (Sylvia Inclan)
A History of the Korean Political Science Association
Seoul Welcomes You
Practical Information for Traveling to Seoul
Venue and Transportation
5XÉçÇø75 Conferences & Timeline
5XÉçÇøSummer Schools
National Associations News
Research Committee News
Call for 5XÉçÇøAwards